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About the Company

Heart 2 Heart Solutions

Heart 2 Hart Solutions  has been established to highlight the need for a dedicated medical trauma service for adults, offering specialist emotional support for all medically related issues and diagnoses, based in SE Wales, but currently offering services   across the UK, Europe and the US.

“Colette taught me how to manage and control my anxiety and through talking therapy she led me down conversational paths which actually allowed me to answer a lot of my own questions by viewing things differently and changing how I approached the difficulties I had been facing……”

Private one-to-one counselling is available, as well as  educational group therapy and support for clinicians  where appropriate. (see 'our services')



About Colette Hart

About Colette Hart

I’m Colette the founder of Heart 2 Hart Solutions. Personal and professional experience of medical trauma has instilled a passion and dedication in me to help those who have been similarly affected. Originally owning three successful wellbeing and cosmetic clinics together with a private school in South Wales, I chose to train to become a Psychotherapist after health problems caused me to have to close my business, leaving me not only with what I considered to be little in the way of hope for the future, but with a distinct lack of emotional support when I needed it the most. Further health challenges over subsequent years have met with the same emotional barriers, which has resulted in this dedicated, private trauma service for health and wellbeing. As an integrative therapist I favour a combination of the models of compassion focused, somatic and mindful cognitive behavioural therapy, meaning I offer a comprehensive, holistic and compassionate way of working with medical trauma. I am the only certified Medical Trauma Psychotherapist in the UK having completed my training at The University of Ohio in the US where the first medical trauma certification was introduced in 2022. Uniquely to Wales I also favour Babette Rothschild’s somatic approach, having completed a years post graduate training with the US trauma specialist in London. I have also assisted on Babette Rothschild’s training programme.

I have vast experience of working with all types of trauma and PTSD; however in recent years it has become very obvious how different and unacknowledged medical trauma is, which is why I’ve chosen to specialise in this field. I have worked within the Cardiff & Vale NHS health board addressing issues of single and complex trauma and PTSD, I was the therapist for the ‘Living with Secondary Breast Cancer’ group for the South Wales division of ‘Breast Cancer Now’ and have provided a number of workshops on communication and relationships after a diagnosis, as well as coping with anxiety for those living with primary and secondary breast cancer. I was thrilled to be invited to create ‘In this 2gether’, educational therapy groups for those with a secondary breast cancer diagnosis across Wales, funded by Moondance and in association with Macmillan in 2021/22. I was the Lead Group Therapist until 2024 and am currently the Psychotherapy Consultant and mentor for this service.

In January 2019 I developed a pilot scheme ‘Cake & Counsel’; educational group therapy for those living with a chronic medical condition. This took place over a 10 month period and progress results were measured, collated and presented to a group of Health Care Professionals. Those attending noticed a considerable improvement in their mental health and symptoms and I am currently working towards offering similar schemes for other medical trauma related conditions. Whilst keen to expand my one-to-one and group practice since achieving my certification it is also my intention to write and offer further group services to clinicians, patients and counsellors alike, specialising and offering support for medical conditions, trauma informed care and medical trauma, with a personal interest in dementia (see Heart 2 Hart Healthcare Solutions).

BACP Registered - Heart 2 Hart - Professional counselling and talking therapy service in Wales

Heart 2 Hart Solutions Ltd.

Practising from:

Cyncoed Medical Centre,
Dartington Drive,
CF23 8SQ

Tel: 07903 457245

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Counselling and Emotional Support | In a one-to-one setting | In a group environment | For patients & healthcare professionals